Solidarity Statements
Ojos para la Paz
Sobre Puerto Rico los medios de propaganda (que no de comunicación) son unánimes en guardar un escandaloso silencio. Pero Puerto Rico está estrangulado por el Imperio, que ni siquiera supo guardar las formas cuando venía obligado a prestar la necesaria ayuda a un país arrasado por el huracán María.

Message to the People’s Tribunal on US Crimes Against Puerto Rico
In 1898, US troops defeated the armies of Spain in the first inter-imperialist war of the modern era. US troops landed in Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam – colonies of Spain until then.
The people of Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines had been waging a war for independence against the Spanish colonizers. José Martí, the Cuban revolutionary leader and founder of the Revolutionary Party in Cuba and Puerto Rico, had warned against the danger of domination by the rising imperialist power of Washington.